As marketers, we know that the only constant thing about SEO is that it’s ever-changing. In 2020 alone, Google made more than 10 algorithm updates. This makes it difficult to pin down a search strategy that really works. What helps to make your content more prominent today could earn you a ranking penalty tomorrow.
On 18 February, Figaro Digital hosted a virtual event with experts from Reflect Digital, Strange, Digitaloft, and QueryClick offering their best advice on how marketers can nail their paid search and SEO strategies in 2021. Read on for a roundup of the main takeaway points from the seminar.
A Human Approach to Site Architecture
We’ve been chasing Google for the longest time, looking at the technical aspects of things like keywords. But all the while Google were also chasing us, looking at how humans behave and interact with our websites. Aiala Icaza, SEO Director at Reflect Digital, discusses how we interact with websites, and how we should have human behaviour, intent, and thinking as part of every step of our SEO strategy.
SEO Advice for Non-technical Content Teams
Strange is now 21 years old, and in that time they’ve helped brands achieve SEO results through a combination of strong technical and marketing support, as well as an appropriate level of training for in-house, non-technical content teams. Over the years, the same questions have cropped up time and again, so Jon Boston, Founder & Technical Director of Strange, shares some of their advice and a selection of those questions.
Making Your Digital PR Efforts Work Harder to Drive SEO Success
James Brockbank, Managing Director & Founder of Digitaloft, talks about why your latest digital campaign had absolutely no impact on your SEO performance, and how digital PR can earn you the best quality links.
Reducing Cannibalised Budget Wastage in Paid Search to Improve your ROI
Chris Liversidge, CEO of QueryClick, talks about how to integrate paid search, display, and organic to benefit performance marketing optimisation. He gives a few takeaway tips and techniques you can use yourself.