First of all, who are Force24 and why are we qualified to talk about this?
Force24 are the fastest growing marketing automation company in the UK right now. We’ve been in business for over 10 years which means we’ve learned a thing or two in our time! We’ve refined our journey over years and years – with the help of experts – to ensure our communications achieve fantastic deliverability rates and produce bottom line impact. This has been a constant process of adapting to changes in the marketing landscape and a passion to continue learning, but we can safely say now we’re the UK’s fastest growing marketing automation platform!
WARNING! This guide is a case study rather than a pure tutorial. It won’t tell you what to write or on what subjects to base your content, but it will give you a framework to follow, and a new way of working to adopt.
Understanding the landscape
First of all, let’s get the bad bit out the way… if you think this guide will give you a secret to being able to send millions of spam emails and landing them in the inbox of recipients – unfortunately, you’re in the wrong place.
The good news is this guide is specifically for marketers who are passionate about growing ROI, creating more customers, and winning more business. And the best way to do that? By delivering great content to great prospects and consumers to truly drive value.
The days of buying cheap data and blasting out poorly constructed, ill-considered, and one-size-fits-all email communications to millions of prospects (that don’t even know you) are gone.
At this point you could be thinking to yourself, “that’s not true, I still get a return on my email done in this way.” Our response would be to say, “Okay, but do you have a Plan B when this approach runs its course?” If anything, Plan B is actually better because it’s easier, more rewarding, and generates a greater level of ROI.
“This guide is specifically for marketers who are passionate about growing ROI, creating more customers, and winning more business.”
Firstly, let’s understand how the world has changed over the past 10 years. The email landscape has largely been consolidated to a very small number of “giants” such as Google and Microsoft (let’s call them mail server platforms for the purpose of this guide). For example, in days gone by, a company would be responsible for processing all its own inbound mail. The business would then need to have an exchange server and a spam protection application watching every email that came in, and this software would typically be hosted internally on something not-fit-for-purpose sat in the office.
Fast forward to today and we can hit “Send” to an email of 10,000 people, 9,000 of those recipients of which will either have Google or Microsoft mail services sat behind their company domain. Therefore, when we distribute comms, we’re shipping 4,500 emails into Google and 4,500 emails into Microsoft. When you think about it this way, it puts everything into a slightly different perspective doesn’t it?
To learn all the insight, science, and mastery behind how marketers boost their email deliverability rates, download Force24’s Ultimate Guide to Email Deliverability here.