Vidatec explain how apps can deliver a successful digital transformation.
What Is Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation is the process by which organisations evolve areas of their operations from non-digital and even manual processes into digital processes. It is a way of improving efficiencies, driving revenue, and enabling cultural and behavioural change.
However, to get the greatest results a digital transformation strategy must be more than just a process-driven consideration. A digital transformation strategy must first acknowledge and understand the role of human behaviour, and then translate that into digital outputs that can enhance the old process and accelerate success. Humans – people and personalities – should remain at the heart of any organisation or brand. They should also be at the centre of any digital transformation strategy.
At Vidatec, our technology works in tandem with human behaviour, creating a streamlined, symbiotic relationship between humans and technology. It is this relationship that becomes the centre of a successful digital transformation strategy, and our apps deliver this in a number of different ways.
The Role That Apps Play in Digital Transformation
Connecting people
Getting employees to engage with their company’s internal communications remains one of the biggest challenges for all HR departments. The content not only needs to cut through, but it is where the organisation’s personality and values can be brought to life. Getting this right will be invaluable in building employee buy-in and loyalty.
Digital transformation allows you to simplify the way your organisation communicates internally. At the same time, it can be used to build stronger connections between the employees and company brand by enhancing engagement.
Mobile apps not only offer a mechanic of delivering information direct to every employee through their mobile phone, from company updates to personalised HR-related information, they also provide the opportunity to leverage UX and design to make the delivery of this information far more engaging. Empower your employees to navigate through company information and connect with their colleagues at their own convenience, irrespective of location, with the “always-on” nature of a mobile app.
By providing greater digital connections between employees and their organisation, mobile apps will help to build community and improve workplace culture. And with employers now playing an increasingly important role in looking after the health and wellbeing of their staff, improving connections through digital transformation will also provide an important channel for helping employees manage a healthy work-life balance. Find out how our engage4 platform is being used to this very effect here.
Mobile apps become useful tools when connecting more disparate groups too. This proved especially valuable when Vidatec worked with University of Stirling to support informal carers during the coronavirus pandemic.
An app-based platform provided a digital solution to help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness for family and friends that provide support for people with life-limiting conditions. Through technology, informal carers were able to access peer support for their caring practices, and credible learning resources to help them. Read more here.
Improving efficiencies
A common challenge for many organisations is upgrading, replacing or working with legacy IT systems. While this creates a barrier to digital transformation, the issue is compounded further by the fact that legacy systems will run with far less efficiency. It is a problem that is often most prevalent in public sector organisations where budgets are limited. However, mobile apps are increasingly becoming the most accessible solution, fast-tracking the change without the need to invest in a heavy IT infrastructure overhaul.
Stirling Council faced the challenge of working across several legacy IT systems in its work to provide help and support for incoming citizen enquiries. It sought to enhance its ability to handle resident enquiries through digital transformation. Vidatec was able to create a bespoke service management solution that combined different platforms and databases into a single source to provide council staff with an intuitive view of each citizen enquiry.
The transformation led to the removal of slow and arduous processes that had risked making resident engagement with the council a negative experience. Instead, the improved services helped to enhance the experience for both council staff and the local population. Importantly, in doing so the council was able to make efficiency savings of £1.5 million. Find out more about this mobile app-based digital transformation here.
Generating revenue
The efficiency savings generated as a result of digital transformation are one of the main drivers.
Another important driver is the possibility of generating revenue, either by unlocking new streams or by providing an extension to current streams. People no longer operate on a single platform, but rather engage with brands as part of a multi-platform experience. This creates more mechanics for linking content and services with revenue opportunities.
A digital transformation strategy, therefore, needs to adopt a holistic approach that leverages all available platforms with consistent brand identity and a seamless experience between one platform and the next. In doing so, it becomes possible to create an onward relationship between a customer and a brand, and the app provides the connection point.
Our work with junior golfing specialist Golphin is a great example of how to extend a brand in this way, connecting the physical experience with a digital one. We created an app that served to connect the face-to-face lessons with an ongoing digital experience that could allow young golfers to continue engaging with their coaches and additional training content outside of the lessons.
In extending its brand from the physical lessons and desktop website to a convenient and engaging app, Golphin has been able to significantly enhance and increase its services and, therefore, its associated revenue streams. Its digital transformation has helped the brand to become a leader in coaching and facilitating learning. Find out more here.
Facilitating positive change
Through technology there are now more tools than ever to support individuals in making positive changes to their lives, whether in developing new skills, improving diet, exercise and lifestyle, or embarking on professional and personal development.
Setting goals to achieve these types of changes will, more often than not, require a shift in behaviourial patterns, which can often be the most challenging part.
It was Vidatec’s expertise in designing and building web and mobile apps that drive positive habit behaviours with the end-user that led us to become a digital partner for Public Health England’s (PHE) Digital First Public Health Strategy (2016 – 2020). This strategy focused on making the best use of technology to protect and promote health and reduce inequalities across England, while Vidatec provided a suite of apps to accompany various healthy lifestyle initiatives.
Vidatec adopts specialist behavioural science tactics to aid users in making meaningful behavioural changes, in particular the HOOK canvas. This approach identifies internal and external triggers that will provoke an action from the user. The action is then rewarded, both fulfilling the user and leaving them wanting more.
External triggers include visual and UI design features that catch attention, guide the user, and become increasingly familiar each time they re-engage in the app. Internal triggers tap into fundamental emotions to create a more personalised experience. Through internal triggers the app becomes a companion and a reflection of the user’s desired outcomes.
Through leveraging both the best in mobile app design technology and expertise in designing and building technology solutions that drive positive habit behaviours with the end-users, our apps provide a gateway for digital transformation at a very personal level.