Mobile and web app developer Vidatec has launched its very own workplace wellbeing platform – engage4.
The business is headquartered in Stirling, recently expanded into Edinburgh, and works with clients across the UK in both public and private sectors. The company is now set to expand its own portfolio in addition to delivering client solutions including couch to 5K, change for life, Saga Possibilities, and UKTVPlay.
Engage4 is a unique app that combines employee engagement capabilities with exclusive wellbeing content provided in partnership with Workwise Wellness Solutions. The wellbeing content includes tips on coping with stress in the workplace and improving overall wellbeing through a range of lifestyle choices, as well as offering HR leaders and employers a real opportunity to drive inclusion with easy access for remote workers and all those not desk bound.
With the ability to personalise community news feeds and the option to create groups, employees can stay connected with each other even when away from the office. A check in pulse, and light touch surveys enable HR and mangers to track how employees are feeling at any given time. To increase employee engagement, the app has been designed to encourage users to recognise colleagues with a “high-five” feature as well as provide the opportunity to earn points and badges, all designed to increase positive engagement and behaviour.
As the app launches amid the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak, engage4 is able to provide up-to-date and relevant wellbeing content specifically to help organisations and their employees communicate, and ensure employee wellbeing can be monitored and supported at this critical time.
Greig Johnston, CEO of Vidatec, said, “We really believe engage4 can help to make a real difference to people’s lives. We are proud to be partnering with Workwise Wellness Solutions with their sustainable wellbeing initiatives already benefitting many businesses, schools, and local communities across the UK.
We have developed engage4 to be used as trusted channel for promoting relevant wellbeing initiatives, tips, best practice, and education, all of which is particularly crucial to organisations and businesses right now.
It is a testing time for businesses and their employees at present as they adjust to new working patterns and locations of work, making employee engagement, and especially human connection, difficult between teams and colleagues.”
Vidatec is currently offering free use of the platform to organisations for a period while organisations go through a testing time.