In this session our team of web build, CMS and UX experts will discuss designing effective experiences for different devices and platforms. Find out how to ensure content strategy, technology and performance are aligned to create the most effective experience possible.
05 Aug, 2015
Web Build, CMS & UX Seminar 5 Aug 2015

Event Details
The Hospital Club, Covent Garden
How to Create More Engaging User Experiences
Andrew Machin
Creative Director
Edit Ltd
The rise of mobile has heralded a new type of consumer who is always connected, resulting in significant changes in behaviour as part of their purchasing decision. By creating engaging user experiences we can capitalise on consumer ‘moments’ to create persuasive and influential web sites for a new mobile generation.
The Sixth Sense of Marketing
Ross Timms
Head of Strategy
Rufus Leonard
According to Forbes, 86 per cent of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience, but only one per cent feel that brands consistently meet their expectations. Wouldn’t it be great if marketers had a sixth sense: an inbuilt ability to recognise what each customer really wants? Rufus Leonard will be showcasing their new solution 'embla', a service that delivers actionable insights to easily create personal brand experiences that deepen customer engagement.
Adapting to Responsive Design
Matt Gibson
Production Director
We can no longer predict how people are accessing our content online, and in the future technology will diverge even further. Rather than seeing this as a problem, we should embrace these ‘known unknowns’. Responsive design is about being more flexible and assuming less about how users access content or the technology they're using. Matt will focus on responsive design and discuss designing for mobile from a UX and design perspective. He'll cover how to tackle content strategy, performance, future-friendliness and accessibility for the responsive web.
Networking break
Top Tips to Improve your Digital Customer Experience
In a presentation of two halves, Richard will share practical tips on how card sorting, diary studies and guerrilla testing can be used to improve website usability and engagement. Marius will go on to explore important considerations for your technology. He'll look at developing for a multi-device web, getting your data synchronised and optimising for speed.
Meerkat Movies: The Story Behind the Latest Compare The Market Meerkat Adventure
Earlier this year, Compare The Market, working alongside MMT Digital, redesigned and redeveloped their two websites within an extremely tight timescale. Andrew and Ian will discuss the methods and best practices used to achieve a successful outcome in terms of hitting deadlines and launching another award-winning campaign.