10 Sep, 2015

Social Media Seminar 10 September 2015

Event Details

The Hospital Club, Covent Garden

Who should attend?
This seminar is tailored exclusively to the needs of brand and client-side senior digital decision-makers/marketers who are actively seeking new agency partners and technology providers.

What can I expect?
You’ll have the opportunity to hear expert insight from those working across a variety of industries and to put your own questions to each of our speakers.

We expect you to arrive at The Hospital Club for 2pm and ensure that you can attend for the full duration of the seminar.

Networking will take place at registration and during the mid-morning break. You are also invited to join us after the presentations for networking and nibbles.

Please note: Places for each seminar are limited.

If you have any questions regarding the event please call 0207 870 3380.


Registration and networking

We expect you to arrive at The Hospital Club for 2pm and ensure that you can attend for the full duration of the seminar (until 6pm).


Creating Engaging Social Media Campaigns
Laura Crimmons

Head of PR & Social

Edit Ltd

Laura will discusses making, measuring and maximising content that drives meaningful engagement across channels.


Innovative Content Marketing

Content marketing is a game best played with friends. Too often, brands try to create content by themselves and struggle to get people to engage with it. By partnering with opinion leaders, brands can build both their brand equity and consumer engagement. Ollie will share a variety of case studies where Great British Chefs has done this for travel, food and leisure brands.


Networking break


Why Brands Should be Playful!

If you crunch data from billions of user interactions, scan brains with the latest imaging scanners and integrate the latest science into your thinking you come to a single conclusion: to succeed in engaging the consumer we need to get playful. Richard will explain how data has unlocked surprising insights into consumer behaviour. Find out how those insights can drive ROI across the breadth of online activity at any scale of organisation.


LYCRA Moves You – Making the Invisible Visible
Victoria O’Callaghan

Experience Strategist


Invented in the 1950s, LYCRA was the original brand of elastane fibre – the magic ingredient that allowed garments to move and stretch. Cheaper generic products followed, confusing consumers and applying competitive pressure. SapientNitro was tasked with creating an advertising campaign that would re-establish the brand and reaffirm LYCRA's premium brand positioning. Victoria will discuss the strategy that resulted in the Global LYCRA Moves You campaign shot by Rankin and directed by award-winning Philippe André.

5.00 - 7.00

Drinks and networking