14 Apr, 2016

Paid Search & SEO Seminar 14 April 2016

Event Details

The Hospital Club

Search is constantly evolving.  At this session our team of industry experts will discuss the role of content, links, authority and provide tips and tactics you can implement right away.

The Figaro Digital Paid Search & SEO Seminar is open to brand marketers only.

These events are free to attend for brand marketers but spaces are limited. You will be notified on confirmation of your place. Upon confirmation delegates are bound by our terms and conditions which can be viewed in full here.

If you have any questions regarding the event please call 0207 870 3380 or email Paul Nichols.

For speaking and sponsorship opportunities, please email sponsorship@figarodigital.co.uk.


Registration and networking

We expect you to arrive at The Hospital Club for 2pm and ensure that you can attend for the full duration of the seminar (until 5pm).


How To Measure Link Building

None of the link authority metrics available give us a good indication of how valuable that link is, so Branded3 doesn't use authority metrics in reporting at all. Stephen will discuss how we identify link targets, report on links acquired and tie that back to performance. We can now build fewer, better links and clients are totally fine with that because the right links deliver the right results.


Breaking the Rules of Online Marketing

Following the rules of online marketing to the letter can prevent creative thinking, create a bland search results page and impact ROI. Stacy will show how thinking like a consumer will help guide the "rule breaking", and will give practical examples of how breaking the rules can create stand out and improve results.


Networking break


Integrating SEO and PPC to Maximise ROI

SEO and PPC have changed, with a host of new features and key updates. In this session Ian will look at how these two disciplines should work together and be integrated as part of a wider digital marketing strategy and provide actionable insights you can apply to your own campaigns. As the search landscape becomes more competitive, a siloed approach simply will not provide optimal results. Find out how to maximise the ROI from your search marketing.


Investing in Words: Introducing Performance Linguistics to Measure International Search Success

Delivering search campaigns in multiple languages is complex and often requires heavy investment. Marketers must understand the customer, engage them in a localised proposition, maintain linguistic standards and respect existing brand guidelines. This is further complicated for advertisers due to search engines often imposing restrictions on the the use of particular terms, the length of ad copy, and other regional level regulations. So how do you know if the words you are investing in are worth it? Lindsay will discuss how to link linguistics to analytics, measure impact of international content against business KPI's and effectively manage multi-lingual copywriters, even if you don't speak the language.


Drinks and networking
