10 Mar, 2016

Content Marketing Seminar 10 March 2016

Event Details

The Hospital Club

Content lies at the heart of any brand’s engagement strategy. But how do you ensure it’s useful, shareable, findable and entertaining? And how do you establish its hard value to your business? At this session we’ll be joined by a team of experts who’ll explain how to create, curate, measure and maximise your content across devices and channels.


Please arrive at The Hospital Club for 2pm and ensure that you can attend for the full duration of the seminar. Our seminars are open to senior-level brand-side marketers only.


Delegates have the opportunity to network from 2pm and during the mid-afternoon break. Join us after the presentations close for further networking and drinks.

Please note: places for each seminar are limited.

Seminars are free to attend for brand marketers. You will be notified on confirmation of your place. Upon confirmation delegates are bound by our terms and conditions which can be viewed in full here.

If you have any questions regarding the event please call 0207 870 3380 or email Events Manager Paul Nichols on paul.nichols@figarodigital.co.uk.

For speaking and sponsorship opportunities, please email sponsorship@figarodigital.co.uk.


Registration and networking

Please arrive at The Hospital Club for 2pm and ensure that you can attend for the full duration of the seminar.


Ideas and Content that Work
Jon Quinton

Agency Director


It’s one thing for a brand to produce content. It's another for that content to generate results and business growth. Jon will present a step by step method for ensuring confidence in your content ideas. Using tools such as Reddit for examining what works, he'll provide tips to implement in your day to day work, making your content more successful.


Sex Sells... Or Does It? Brutal Content Marketing

Let's face it, some products sell themselves. Virtual reality headsets, luxury super-cars, commercial space travel. It doesn't take much to get the media excited and the links fly off the proverbial shelf. But not every business has that luxury. Some products are hard to get excited about. They aren't sexy. They don't have ambassadors. They don't get natural links. And they don't make it easy on content marketers. Fraser will explain how to create brilliant content marketing for the toughest of products.


What is the Point of your Content Marketing?

Content marketing is an essential part of today’s digital mix. Research by Contently recently found 73 per cent of marketers were doing more content than ever, yet 46 per cent say it’s ineffective or distinctly average in performance. Many companies are producing content for content’s sake. So how do you create content that will improve your rankings, engage with your prospects or get mass-media attention? Chris will share his experiences in PR and digital, along with agency insights that will help you keep your content marketing on track and delivering tangible results.


Networking break


Digital Upcycling: How To Resurrect Dead Content
Philip Woodward

Head of Content

Is your brand sitting on a goldmine of underperforming content? Digital upcycling explains why it’s often best to work with what your website’s already got. Find out from Phil how your dormant content can be brought back to life.


Content Marketing With Partners

Great British Chefs has pioneered content marketing in the world of food publishing. They have worked with brands as diverse as Celebrity Cruises, Cawston Press, Jus Rol, Barbour, Cath Kidston and the British Tomato Growers Association. Ollie will share a series of case studies to show how to make an impact when working with publishers.


Drinks and networking

If you have any questions please call us on 0207 870 3380

