Holistic Email Marketing is a results-oriented email marketing consultancy. Through our many years of experience in the industry we have concluded that to get the best out of email marketing, you need to base it on the customer journey. We created the Holistic approach, which is about creating conversion-focused, customer-centric marketing strategies with email at its heart. Unlike traditional multi-channel marketing that starts with a channel strategy, we start with the customer’s needs. And through persuasion techniques, marketing automation and cross-channel learnings, we craft a personalised journey that converts. So your customers meet their goal, and you meet yours.

How the Holistic approach can help you

  • Deliver a better, more personalised customer experience

A seamless journey is good for your customers, which is great for you.

  • Increase the value of your conversions

Remove barriers to purchase to achieve small uplifts that add up to a lot.

  • Grow your list

Build a bigger customer base by converting more of your website visitors.

  • Solve problems and spot opportunities

Share learnings across all channels with strategic Holistic Email Testing.

  • Expand your email marketing budget                                                                                                                                

Prove the value of email to your business by putting it at the heart of your strategy.

Holistic Email Marketing is lead by Kath Pay, a recognised industry thought leader.

Visit us at http://www.holisticemailmarketing.com/


Kath Pay

CEO & Founder

With over 18 years email marketing experience Kath Pay lives and breathes email marketing. Regarded as an industry thought leader, she is one of the World’s Top 50 Email Marketing Influencers (Vocus, 2014) and is recognised as one of the UK’s leading Email Marketers and heads up training for Econsultancy on Personalisation and Email Marketing.

Jonathan Pay


Jonathan is the worlds first second-generation email marketer. 12 years in the industry has given him a huge range of experience, including designing, coding, and delivering campaigns, post-campaign reporting, and review, and project consultation. He has also worked across the industry for an ESP, agencies, an ecommerce SaaS solution, and as a freelance email marketer.