Child Bereavement UK is a charity that gives face-to-face support to children, young people, and families when a child dies or when a child grieves.
The Challenge
Alongside Pearl Films UK, CBUK launched their ‘One More Minute’ campaign, asking participants what they would do if they had more time with their loved one. Although their organic traffic was strong, they were struggling with growing their brand awareness. Curated was tasked with creating a social strategy to aid brand awareness with the aim of translating this into recurring donations.
The Strategy
CBUK, although a small charity, were already able to gain a lot of traction organically on their social. The nature of their work as well as the assets they already had meant they had a lot of support from families, businesses, and celebrities; what they needed help with was finding a way to reach a wider audience. CBUK wanted a way to increase awareness of their brand, which would then encourage new supporters to set up a regular donation.
Curated realised the best route to raise brand awareness and encourage people to donate to the charity would be to implement a paid social strategy and after seeing the campaign media themselves they recognised that the emotive imagery would encourage high levels of engagement. They decided it would be worthwhile to use some of the budget to boost a number of the organic posts, ensuring they would get maximum exposure.
The ‘One More Minute’ campaign was based around a collection of videos and images from people who had experienced grief, sharing stories of their loved ones. Each asset was different; one featured celebrities such as Rio Ferdinand and Prince William, another was focussed on children losing their parents. Curated realised they needed to run a series of targeted ads in order to test which narrative was the most engaging.
Because of the size of CBUK’s budget and the nature of the campaign, Curated also advised that it would be best to target the social ads on Facebook so that they would be more successful at reaching a new audience. They decided to target female parents between the ages of 30 and 60 who had an interest in charity and worked in relevant sectors as this demographic would be the most likely to engage with the subject matter as well as action that engagement into donations.
Over the course of the campaign, Curated ran seven different styles of ads alongside CBUK’s organic content. A small amount of the budget was also designated to spend on boosting the organic posts which Curated hoped would encourage users to share their own #OneMoreMinute wish, as well as engage with them to find out more about the campaign and, ultimately, donate to the cause. Through careful monitoring, they were able to control and adapt the ads to bring the best results.
The Results
Overall, the campaign:
- Reached over 55,000 people
- Had over 116,000 impressions
- Resulted in over 2000 link clicks
Curated found that the campaign worked incredibly well and spurred a lot of engagement across social media platforms. Over the seven different styles of ads they ran, the video assets were more engaging with those depicting celebrities performing the best overall. Although Curated didn’t have access to whether donations increased over the course of the campaign and brand awareness as a metric is hard to measure, the campaign contributed 4800 visits to the website, increasing the overall traffic.
The campaign also received a lot of impressions on Facebook as well as reactions and comments from those who were impacted by the content. A lot of people interacted by commenting what they would say if they had one more minute with their loved one, which was not only incredibly moving but showed the emotional connection people were experiencing with the topic of the campaign.