July 26, 2016

The Brain Tumour Charity

Taking a limitation and turning it into an opportunity

The Brain Tumour Charity (BTC) have one clear vision for a world where brain tumours are defeated, fighting brain tumours is at the forefront of everything they do through research, awareness and support. Pioneering, Passionate, Collaborative and Smart are the values of BTC and when taking on this project we knew we had to guide ourselves along this path in order to succeed.

Delivering clear and concise information to a visitor of BTC website is essential, whether it be someone that is looking to make a donation, someone who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and wants to find out more or a friend/family member that wants to know how they can help build a support network for their loved one.

BTC had a website that was not user friendly linked with a dull design and a complex navigation system, through this combination and the site being slow meant that a large portion of the user’s time was spent waiting on pages to respond only to then find out maps highlighting events, research centre and support groups didn’t work.

It was time for all of this to change…FARM got to work conducting stakeholder interviews to delve into the demographic profiles of users that would visit the site to better understand their needs, doing so assisted with the development of the new site structure, and help guide our information architecture decisions.

Download the full case study for more info!