Mobile is now the device of choice for many of us and mobile marketing is expanding as a result. This extends beyond the basics, like making websites responsive, and towards elements such as in-app marketing.
We’ve previously blogged about apps in ‘Mobile Marketing: Are Apps the Future?’, but here we’ll delve further into this topic, discussing the many misconceptions and what this industry has in store over the next few months.
The Biggest Misconceptions About In-App Marketing
There are many misconceptions about app marketing. None bigger than the assumption that in-app advertising is driven by app install campaigns.
Back in 2014, app install ads accounted for around a third of all mobile ad revenue and as this has become more competitive a perception has grown that cost per install (CPI) campaigns are driving spend. However, it’s not that simple – this is just one component.
Another misconception is that because there are so many apps out there, they must all be of poor quality and low value. This simply isn’t true. In fact, according to a recent AOL Platforms study, 75% of premium publishers intend on expanding their mobile inventory next year.
Last but not least, is the misconception that in-app marketing cannot target audiences or track attribution. In fact, there is a solution to mobile measurement, it just doesn’t come in the form of traditional cookie methods.
The Future of App Advertising
According to a study in November 2016 by Think with Google and Ipsos, the majority of people (45%) who purchase an app do so because it holds content they want. Other highly sought after factors were special features and an ad-free option.
The study also found that users tend to have a task in mind that they believe the app will help with or download apps that friends recommend. So the challenge to future apps is to create and advertise an app that can provide value to consumers and help them solve problems.
But, once you’ve designed this, how will you get it out there? Facebook has just introduced one new method that’s sure to be popular as we enter 2017.
Earlier this month, Facebook introduced its dynamic app install ads which has been deemed ‘the future of app marketing’. This automatic retargeting system uses pixels and cross channel tactics to take users directly to their app from other apps or the web.
Our Thoughts
App marketing, when done properly and not too intrusive, can be extremely effective. It can create loyal customers, strong relationships and build brand affinity when combined with other marketing efforts.
Mobile marketing and in-app advertising is sure to grow in popularity as we enter 2017 and with innovation you can stand out from the crowd.