WeGame2 offers an unbiased assessment of the gaming ecosystem, helping Brands and Agencies to effectively navigate this complex landscape whilst also tapping into the opportunities available in a more inclusive way.

As Brands are actively investing in gaming marketing strategies to reach the growing and diverse gaming audience. From video content, influencer collaborations, in-game advertisements, and creative campaigns to connect with gamers on platforms like Twitch, mobile games, and social media it’s imperative that agencies stay up to date with the latest developments. The key to success lies in understanding and engaging with the unique preferences and interests of the gaming community.



Ellie Edwards-Scott


Ellie is Co-Founder of The Advisory Collective, a leading digital consultancy launched in 2018 to work with innovative tech companies to help them to land and scale with the UK market, as well as working with in-market businesses on digital transformation projects and helping them to better navigate the advertising ecosystem for commercial success. Spotting...