March 12, 2015


The Challenge

Gaming brand Ladbrokes wanted to feature more prominently in online conversations about sport, so they partnered with Edit to launch a lively new content marketing strategy.

The Strategy

A particular focus of the strategy was engaging Premier League fans online. Edit created a quiz testing users on how well they know their favourite football teams; the club whose fans had the most encyclopaedic knowledge would be propelled to the top of the league.

(Crystal Palace ended up topping the knowledge league; the only time, as a number of quizzers noted, that Palace could claim to be at the top of any table in 2014.)

The Results

The interactive quiz received 46.5 thousand plays, 2000 social shares. The quiz was also retweeted by sports broadcasters Alison Bender and James Fielden, and received wide coverage in the Sun, Metro, and Liverpool Echo.