March 15, 2019

Web Design Principles That Will Boost Your Conversion Rate

Boosting the conversion rate of a website is something that many businesses struggle to achieve. However, your web design can have a significant impact on the overall success of your site – and conversion rate. There are a number of ways you can boost your conversion rate with web design from including as few fields as possible, to using testimonials to showcase the quality of your product(s) and service.

Here at Absolute Digital Media, we’re taking a closer look at how you can increase your website’s conversion rate in light of the latest Google broad core algorithm update.


A responsive web design can help to boost conversions across mobile and desktop.

To make your website responsive, ensure that important information is easy to find, consider using larger font sizes to make content stand out, be sure to include the Viewport Meta Tag, and make your buttons large enough for all devices including mobile to ensure that users can easily click onto the next page to convert.

Content Placement

With the rise in technology, SEO is more closely aligned to UX than ever before – so much so, that the placement of your content can significantly impact your site’s conversion rate.

In order to enhance your site’s conversion rate, it’s important that your most valuable content is placed above the fold to help ensure that it is seen. By placing your content above the fold, visitors don’t need to scroll down the page in order to find the information they are looking for.

Use Testimonials

Using testimonials across your site is an excellent way to boost your conversion rate. One study found that when asked ‘how important online testimonials are before making a purchase’, 38 per cent of respondents thought that it was “very important”.

In addition to boosting conversion rate, testimonials increase click-through rate, can boost SEO and can even be used on social media to direct users to your website.


The strategic use of colour in web design can increase conversions in a number of ways. It’s all to do with colour psychology or ‘the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior’. According to Changing Minds, the meanings of colour are:

Red        Warmth, love, anger, danger, boldness, excitement

Pink       Feminine, love, caring, nurture

Orange Cheerfulness, low cost, affordability, enthusiasm, stimulation

Yellow  Attention-grabbing, comfort, liveliness, hunger, overwhelmed, summer

Green   Durability, reliability, environmental, luxurious, optimism

Blue       Peace, professionalism, loyalty, reliability, honour, trust

Purple  Power, royalty, nobility, elegance, luxury, mystery

Gray      Conservatism, traditionalism, intelligence, serious

Brown   Relaxing, confident, casual, reassuring, nature, reliable

Black     Elegance, sophistication, power, strength

White   Cleanliness, purity, newness, peace, innocence

Humanise Your Brand 

While humanising your brand is more important than ever, it’s just as important to maintain a consistent voice with your target audience. By sharing valuable content on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and in the form of blogs, you can boost their trust. In turn, this will lead to greater conversions. In addition to boosting the conversion rate of your site, humanising your brand provides more brand authority and the opportunity to gain marketplace insights.

Other ways you can humanise your brand to boost your conversion rate is to stay true to your brand, take your audience ‘behind the scenes’ of your business and actively engaging with your audience whether that is by responding to comments or hosting regular events to bridge the gap.

Create Dedicated Landing Pages

If you are using Google Ads, advertising your business on social media or are promoting a specific product or service, we suggest that you create dedicated landing pages for these campaigns. The best landing pages are simple and to the point, helping to ensure that the user cannot be distracted. This will help to ensure that the desired action is carried out whether that’s signing up to a newsletter or downloading an eBook.

By creating dedicated landing pages, you also have more control over the content. Designing separate landing pages for each campaign will allow you to ensure that all the information visitors need to know is visible on the page.

Test Different Call To Actions

The importance of call-to-action in web design for generating leads will never go amiss. I short, they are a simple way of encouraging users to convert, leading users along the sales funnel. Depending on your target audience, you may find that different call to actions have different success rates.

For example, while Netflix uses persuasive text by highlighting how convenient the streaming service is to guide people to sign up for a free trial, Kissmetrics have added a form directly next to their call to action so that the user doesn’t even need to leave the page.

Successful call to actions which you can test include:

  • Try Our Free Trial
  • Download Now
  • Reserve Your Place.

There are a number of ways you can improve your website’s conversion rate from using psychology and clear call to actions, to building trust among your audience on third party platforms.